The ∞th place collective (pronounce 8th)
In 2024 I founded with Naia Urresti and Samantha Tiussi the ∞th place collective. By combining our different perceptions, audiences, disciplines and visions, we can amplify our impact.
Relatable experiences are often the first step of an identification journey that could lead to information, culture, community and care. We are proud of opening well-needed conversations among autistic, non-autistic and intersectional feminist allies, and of affirming that marginalized and disabled artists deserve autonomy, paid working opportunities and accessible working environments.
Chaos, in this order
The first public performance of our collective took place on the 5th of December 2024 at Ausland, Berlin, during the artist residency "all the rivers". It is a wonderful experiment around identity and masking as autistics, involving movement, dance, poetry, visual art, glass sculptures... and lots of vulnerability. We are looking forward to continue working on it, and present it again. Read more about Chaos, in this order